Nurgle Chaos Marine Rhinos – completed!

These Rhinos have been a long time in construction, magnetization, green-stuffing, painting, and gaming, and now they’re finally “done”. I’m glad to finally put them in the foam case, the way I always mentally check off a model when it’s done. These guys were actually a lot of fun to take from box to completed product, and I learned a lot along the way. Particularly, I spent a lot of time figuring out how to best magnetize each part so that they wouldn’t get in the way, specifically the Havoc launchers and how they would end up interacting with the…

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On the Nurglification of Rhinos…

Ah, my much neglected Rhinos. How happy you are to sit in the box of half-finished Chaos Marines model projects, languishing there for your day in the sun. Too long have you set there, being complete in your utiltarian-ness, not seeing being put rightfully in your place of honor amongst the completed (not to mention painted!) models of Cranky’s Plague Marine Warband. To you sirs, I say your day has come!

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