Holy Tau! Games Workshop Seattle Battle Bunker

With the upcoming Tau codex release (pre-orders are up!) for April, the Tau vibe in the air is almost palpable. I figured I had some down time today and thought I’d head up to the Bunker to check out the action as well as pick up some paints I needed (darn it all if they don’t carry Forgeworld weathering powders). Right after Max picked out a Heldrake that he indicated I HAD to buy (and who’s going to let the boy down, right?!?!?), I decided to walk the store to see what was playing.

The Tau players must have decided to congregate today because they were out in force at the Bunker. This guy (didn’t catch his name) had some really beautifully painted minis. I asked him if I could snap some photos and he said yes. He was playing against Chaos (YES!) and they were just starting, but if I were to play Tau, I’d probably want to go with a paint scheme like this. Enjoy!

And of course, the beautifully painted Dragon that I told Max that we were buying (well, one just like it, but not painted…)


  1. Very Cool!

  2. wait… you bought a heldrake…?

  3. Yeah, another one… I know…

  4. I was weak! And Max made me do it!

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